The training FOR SAFER SCHOOLS can be tailored to meet your time and space constraints. A two hour training is standard.
For Safer Schools is a joint project developed by Patricia Evans and Rick Lewis, Training Coordinator, Safe Schools Center, Palm Beach County School District, Florida. The student training is adapted from The Verbally Abusive Relationship (1996) by Patricia Evans. Published by Adams Media Corporation.
Verbal abuse is a problem that affects many people, either as victims or perpetrators. For Safer Schools is a workshop for educators. It is designed to heighten awareness and to offer solutions to create a climate free of hostility.
In workshops and trainings throughout the country, from Palm Beach to Calgary, to Beverly Hills, Patricia Evans has addressed thousands of professionals. Listed to the right are actual responses from attendees.
For Safer Schools includes:
* An exploration of what constitutes verbal abuse.
* A slide presentation (Overhead Projector)
* Conflict Situations: Abusive/Non-abusive
* Strategies for Dealing with Verbal Abuse
* Effective Intervention/Problem Solving
* Handouts
* Examples of eleven categories of verbal abuse:
-Affecting Students
-Affecting Staff
-Affecting Administration
Patricia is very knowledgeable and an excellent speaker.
Cindy O. Kun, School Board Member
Debra Jiran, Counselor
I teach conflict resolution. This should help my students immensely.
Beth Howard, Counselor
Kathleen Smith, Teacher
The presentation was great!
Chevelle Hall, Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse
Your school or school district can arrange a student training with Patricia Evans by contacting us directly. We are flexible about adapting a training to meet your particular needs.
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