Need a Keynote Speaker?
If you are looking for a dynamic keynote speaker, or general speaker for your next conference or community event and recognize the need for civil and respectful communications in our homes and workplaces, please consider Patricia Evans as speaker for your next event.
Patricia Evans is an internationally recognized Interpersonal Communications Specialist. Drawing upon research of more than thirty thousand cases of verbally abusive relationships, she speaks and conducts workshops throughout the country.
Topics are geared to your interest group. To the right are some general suggestions.
Evans has spoken on the devastating effect of this secret form of control on more than two hundred radio programs, and seventeen national television shows, including the Oprah Winfrey Show, Sonya Live—CNN and News Talk.
Sample Speech Topics
* The Effects of Verbal Abuse on Health And Well-Being
* Guidelines For Establishing a Healthy Work Environment
* Employee Productivity and Awareness
* What Is Verbal Abuse & What Constitutes a Verbally Abusive Relationship?
* The Impact of Verbal Abuse on Individuals and Society.
* Managing Difficult Relationships & Coping With Controlling
Communications At Home or in The Workplace.
* Covert and Overt Verbal Control Tactics
* How Verbal Abuse Relates to Domestic Violence
* Developing Close Relationships of the Best Kind
Patricia Evans Has Addressed These And Many Other Groups
National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, CA
State Conference Council on Battered Women, GA
Jewish Community Center, San Francisco, CA
Beverly Hills High School, Beverly Hills, CA
Conference on Domestic Violence Berkeley, CA
Psychological Resource Center, Raleigh, NC
International Assoc. of Counselors & Therapists, Newark, NJ
Statewide Conference on Domestic Violence Sanduskey, OH
Telluride Community , Telluride, CO
Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Oklahoma. City, OK
Community of Portland, OR
South Oregon State College & Phoenix Police Dept. Ashland, OR
California Writers Club, Los Angeles, CA
Community, Tacoma, WA
Commonwealth Club. San Francisco, CA
St. Mary’s University, Graduate Psychology. Dept. San Antonio, TX
Teachers, School District of Palm Beach: Florida
Fayette County Drug & Alcohol Commission, Inc., PA
Educators: Calgary City Teachers Convention. Calgary
Kenora Professional Community. Ontario
Professional Community. Stamford, CT
Professional Community. Denver, CO
Evans is Acclaimed as a Public Speaker
“Riveting” ~ Keay Davidson, San Francisco Examiner
“Enlightening” ~ Dr. Richard Jamison, Director, Productivity Enhancement, NJ
“Excellent.” ~ Antoinette Michaels, Hope Counseling, NY
“Powerful and life-changing.” ~ Don Adams, Pres., Psychological Resource Center, Cary, NC
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